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Understanding AI in Sales Automation: Tools and Future Perspective

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September 20, 2024

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Nearly 73% of US companies now use AI in one way or another in their operations, according to a report from PwC. The story is the same when it comes to sales automation: HubSpot found that over 60% of sales professionals now believe in using AI to aid their sales strategies. With its ability to crunch vast amounts of data, predict customer behavior, and personalize interactions, AI is supercharging sales efforts and driving unprecedented growth. 

Let’s understand the nuances of sales automation and how AI can take this automation a step further. 

What Is Sales Automation? 

If you’re entirely new to the world of sales automation, It is the process of streamlining what were once manual sales operations, using technology automate and enhance a wide range of tasks. At its core, sales automation helps free up the time of sales reps to focus on what they do best: building relationships and closing deals.

Here’s a list of some of the main components involved in sales automation. 

  • CRM Systems: The cornerstone of sales automation, CRM solutions help centralize customer data, track interactions, and manage sales pipelines. They provide a singlular source of truth for sales teams and enable credible decision making. Over 97% of businesses believe that CRM is essential to their business.

  • Lead Management: Sales automation also involves lead management: distributing them efficiently, and nurturing them through the sales funnel. Lead scoring models, automated email campaigns, and lead routing are part of this process.

  • Sales Enablement: Automation can streamline the creation and distribution of sales collateral, providing sales reps with the tools they need to be successful. Content management systems, document automation, and sales playbooks are essential elements of sales enablement. 

Using AI For Sales Automation

Sales automation is already “smart” in the sense that it makes mundane, manual tasks easier to complete. But until recently, there was still a layer of manual work attached to sales automation, such as data entry. That is now a thing of the past; companies have been using artificial intelligence technologies to automate away all possible manual layers. This happens mainly through using AI-sourced algorithms, machine learning, and NLP to analyze sales data, predict customer behavior, automate tasks, and provide insights to sales teams. The scope of AI in sales is spread across various areas, including lead generation, lead scoring, sales forecasting, CRM integrations, and sales enablement. According to research from Hubspot, AI is currently saving sales executives over 2 hours of work every day

One of the most remarkable aspects of AI is its ability to learn and improve over time. Through machine learning, AI systems can continuously analyze data, identify patterns, and adjust their algorithms to enhance performance. This self-improvement capability allows AI to become increasingly effective in sales, delivering better results and adapting to changing market conditions. 

Another area that AI helps teams excel in is enabling highly personalized customer experiences, by analyzing customer data to understand their preferences. AI-powered systems can deliver tailored product recommendations, create personalized marketing messages, and provide relevant content to customers. A personalized approach almost always results in happier customers, and increases sales conversions. 

More Use Cases For AI In Sales Automation

We’ve covered some of the pertinent use-cases for AI in sales automation above, but there are others. Let’s talk about a few that are applicable to most organizations. 

  • Predictive Prospecting: AI can improve the way sales teams identify potential customers. With vast datasets of customer information, behavior, and market trends, one can now predict which leads are most likely to convert, allowing sales teams to focus their efforts on high-quality prospects and improving conversion rates. HubSpot’s research found that an overwhelming 93% of B2B businesses used AI for this.

  • Sales Forecasting: AI-powered forecasting models can provide accurate sales projections by analyzing historical data, market trends, and economic indicators. This helps sales leaders make informed decisions about resource allocation, inventory management, and sales quotas. Additionally, AI can identify potential risks and opportunities, allowing businesses to adapt to changing market conditions.

  • Recommendation Systems: Similar to product recommendation systems used in e-commerce, AI can suggest relevant products or services to customers based on their purchase history, browsing behavior, and demographics.

  • Competitor Analysis: AI can gather and analyze data on competitors' pricing, product offerings, marketing campaigns, and customer reviews. This information allows sales teams to identify competitive advantages, develop effective counterstrategies, and position their products or services effectively.

  • Real-Time Coaching for Sales Reps: AI-powered coaching tools can provide real-time feedback to sales reps during customer interactions. By analyzing call recordings or live conversations, AI can identify opportunities for improvement, such as active listening, objection handling, and product knowledge.

The Best AI Solutions For Sales Automation

Now that you’ve read the most compelling reasons to adopt AI for your sales automation, you must be aware that there are multiple AI solutions on the market to pick. Luckily, we’ve compiled a list of some of the best ones, for you to decide. 

Product Comparison Table

Feature Nurix Copy AI Salesforce Zendesk Gong
Industry AI/CRM AI/Technology Software/CRM Software/CRM AI/Technology
Primary Function Virtual AI and Voice AI sales intelligence Generates AI-powered content CRM platform for sales and customer management CRM platform focused on sales AI-powered sales intelligence
Target Users Enterprises Marketers, content creators, sales teams Businesses of all sizes Sales teams, customer support Sales teams, sales leaders
Key Features Analytics, sales automation, query resolution Content generation, templates, tone adjustment CRM, sales automation, customer management, analytics Lead management, sales pipeline, customer interactions, phone system Sales call analysis, coaching, insights
AI Integration Yes Yes, for content generation Yes, for various functions like lead scoring, forecasting Yes, for customer interactions, automation Yes, for call analysis, insights
Pricing Model Custom plans for all businesses Subscription-based Subscription-based Subscription-based Tailored pricing depending on team size

Nurix AI

Nurix has been designed solely for the CRM domain. Our solutions include AI agents and co-pilots that can be used to automate customer service and sales tasks. Nurix’s agents, available as both voice and virtual assistants, can answer customer questions, resolve issues, and even predict customer needs. We are powered by the latest in generative AI and use models that have been trained with extensive data specifically for CRM. By using Nurix AI, businesses can benefit from faster query resolution, increased sales productivity, and reduced costs. Nurix is also omnichannel-ready, and can work across email, chat, social media and others. 

Nurix also has flexible pricing options depending on your use-case. To give Nurix a try, please contact us for information. 


Copy.ai is a game-changer for businesses and individuals looking to streamline content creation. This AI-powered writing assistant tackles the time-consuming task of generating marketing and sales copy, freeing you to focus on strategic initiatives. For instance, Copy.ai offers a variety of pre-built templates for emails, social media posts, product descriptions, website copy, and even blog outlines. However, Sometimes, content generated by Copy.ai can feel generic and require additional editing to stand out. 

Copy.AI has a free pricing plan that is limited, and uses older versions of generative AI like GPT. The paid plans start at $36/month. 

Zendesk Sell

Zendesk Sell is a CRM platform specifically tailored to the needs of sales teams, offering a streamlined approach to managing leads, tracking deals, and nurturing customer relationships. Its user-friendly interface and built-in phone system make it an attractive option for businesses of all sizes, particularly those seeking a straightforward solution. With a built-in phone system, sales teams can manage calls, leave voicemails, and access call history within the CRM, improving efficiency and communication. But it’s important to note that while offering essential CRM functionalities, Zendesk Sell may lack the advanced customization options available in larger CRM platforms, potentially limiting its ability to adapt to unique business processes. 

Zendesk pricing starts at $19 per user per month for the base plan, and can go up to $115 a month for the full suite of options. 

Salesforce Sales Cloud

Salesforce Sales Cloud is a CRM platform offering a robust suite of tools designed to optimize sales processes and drive revenue growth. Its comprehensive feature set, scalability, and customization options make it a popular choice for businesses of all sizes. Salesforce offers capabilities such as sales forecasting, sales analytics, and mobile accessibility, providing a holistic view of the sales pipeline. Its AppExchange marketplace offers a vast array of third-party integrations, enhancing the platform's functionality and adaptability. 

However, implementing Salesforce can be a complex process that requires time, resources, and potential customization, which may increase costs and project timelines. 

Pricing for Salesforce Sales Cloud starts at $24 per user per month, and goes up to $330 per user per month for the full Salesforce suite of solutions. 


Gong is a sales intelligence platform that uses AI to transform sales conversations into actionable insights. By recording, transcribing, and analyzing sales calls, Gong provides sales teams with a comprehensive understanding of customer interactions, enabling them to optimize performance and drive revenue growth. Gong's AI engine extracts valuable data from sales conversations, identifying patterns, trends, and best practices. Sales teams can make informed decisions and optimize sales strategies. But a huge caveat with Gong is that it relies on the quality of recorded calls. Background noise, poor audio quality, or muffled conversations can hinder the AI's ability to extract meaningful insights.

Gong also has custom pricing depending on team size and enterprise type. 

Creating A Good Sales Strategy With AI 

Once you’ve selected a good solution to improve your sales automation, it’s important you formulate a plan to get the gears in motion. Here’s a few pointers for building a sales strategy. 

  • Setting Realistic Expectations: The first step in building a successful AI strategy for sales is to establish clear and realistic expectations. It's crucial to understand that AI is a tool, not a magic solution. While AI can significantly enhance sales processes, it won't eliminate the need for human interaction entirely. Setting achievable goals and aligning AI initiatives with overall business objectives will prevent unrealistic expectations and ensure a smooth implementation.

  • Customizing AI to Business Context: Every business is unique, with its own specific challenges and opportunities. A successful AI strategy requires tailoring the technology to align with the organization's goals, processes, and customer base. This involves a deep understanding of the sales funnel, identifying pain points, and selecting AI tools that address specific needs. A one-size-fits-all approach is unlikely to yield optimal results.

  • Targeting Quick Wins: To build momentum and gain buy-in, it's essential to focus on achievable, short-term goals. Identifying areas where AI can deliver immediate value, such as lead scoring, automated email campaigns, or sales forecasting, can generate early wins and demonstrate the technology's potential. These successes can then be used to expand AI initiatives across the organization. 

Balancing Automation and Human Touch

While AI offers immense potential for streamlining sales processes, it's essential to strike a balance between automation and human interaction. The human touch remains crucial for building relationships, understanding complex customer needs, and negotiating deals. By combining the strengths of both humans and AI, sales teams can achieve optimal performance and customer satisfaction.

Readiness for AI Adoption in Sales

Embracing AI in sales requires a cultural shift and a willingness to adapt. Sales organizations need to invest in data infrastructure, employee training, and change management to successfully implement AI solutions. It's also important to encourage a culture where insights from AI are used to make informed decisions. By preparing the organization for AI adoption, sales teams can position themselves for future success and gain a competitive edge.

Ultimately, the successful integration of AI in sales is about augmenting human capabilities, not replacing them. By understanding the technology's potential and limitations, organizations can harness the power of AI to drive growth and achieve sales excellence.

For a solution that combines the best of CRM knowledge with the power of generative AI, turn to Nurix for a comprehensive solution. To get started with us, click here.